CONTENTS COVER STORY 12 | Calls to Action Provide education for employees in tune with their varied financial needs. CONFERENCE COVERAGE 16 | 2024 PLANSPONSOR National Conference Where best practices, compliance and networking converge. RESEARCH 26 | The Intensity of Implementation Recordkeepers are juggling competing priorities of new mandatory and optional plan features alongside demands for their platforms to support retirement income, personalization, financial wellness programs and more. INVESTMENTS 32 | Frontier of the New QDIAs How to best navigate the alternatives, keeping participants in mind. PLAN BENEFITS 36 | The Great Debate 401(k) vs. 403(b)-which type of plan will work best? FIDUCIARY FORUM 38 | Time for a Welfare Fiduciary Checkup Get ready for a new 'suit season'- it could be an extended one. INSIDE ANGLE 39 | Loper Bright Reshapes The Regulatory Landscape The courts will no longer defer to the DOL's interpretation of ERISA. PLAN PROFILE 40 | Managing Stress in HR Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, 2023 winner Nonprofit DC <$300mm. 2 | INSIGHTS 4 | RULES & REGULATIONS Texas Courts Stay New Fiduciary Rule; and More From Washington and the Courts 7 | PARTICIPANT ANALYSIS Hidden Below the 'Overall' Surface 8 | UPFRONT What the Future Holds in Plan Design Why Plan Sponsors Switch Providers PLANSPONSOR.COM September - October 2024 1 September - October 2024http://www.PLANSPONSOR.COM